
Saturday, June 11, 2005

You know you're on Lone Peak Drumline when...

by Craig and also Liz

... When waking up at 6:00 AM is sleeping in

... When all your sentences begin with "BOH"

... When you drive 45 minutes for one pair of sticks

... When you have massive bruises on your hips from your carrier

... When your ears ring for four days straight

... When you are called "Carnie" if you're shorter than Jakis

... When the word "carnie" has significance

... When you begin speaking with a Russian accent, ja?

... When you start calling people "brain child"

... When the word "hot" is spelled with two t's

... When those who quit become "Fondas"

... When Beto's can be eaten for every meal of the day

... When you're out of town, you start looking for presents for Patrick

... When you buy coffee so you can make it in your toilet

... When a bat plays top bass

... When you can't polish a turd

hee hee hee...I'm sure everyone has great suggestions, so please share! :D


Alex said...

When each new season begins with uncertainty of Andy's return.

Jake said...

... When everyone on the line knows you by a different name than anyone else

... When you go to the blog when you are bored

... When your second-semester grades suck

... When six people sleep comfortably (sort of) in the five back seats of the carnie-bus

... When you know how to make the World Class sign with your hands

... When you think up visuals on the bus before a competition

... When the line is different for every parade

... When doing pushups isn't much of a punishment, but rather a chance to laugh your head off (most often thanks to Craig)

... When synchronized randomness is entertaining (synchronized fetal position, leg crossing, etc.)

... When a moshy is a hat instead of a pillow
#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7

... When you know what a moshy is

... When good stick heights are just a photoshop session away

Lindsay said...

... When you sleep all day long so that you can make dumb (and yet really funny) movies at 3:39 AM

Lindsay said...

... When you're the only all-white all-LDS line competing in California

Alex said...

When half the marching band is the drumline

Alex said...

When running your fingers through Jakis' hair isn't considered weird.

Alex said...

When the man that works at Beto's has a nickname

Alex said...

When you schedule at least 4 vacations/camps/youth things each summer, and still expect to be on drumline.

Lindsay said...

...when you're falling in love with the deli girl at Kohler's

Alex said...

When you name the super large van "The Terrorist Van"

Anonymous said...

. . .when you're re-reading this two years later.