
Saturday, September 10, 2005

A letter from Elder the Hottness

24 August, 2005

Ea-e, LPDL!!!

What up? How are my reigning Utah Winter Drumline Champions? Don't let your heads get too big. Sorry my handwriting is bad. I'm on a bus coming back from the temple and the roads here are awful. I live in a city of 12 million people (bigger than New York) but the traffic is out of control. There are crazy motorcyclists, all on dirt bikes, and they drive inbetween all the cars. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone die. Craziness.

Anyway so how's life? How were all 43 of your parades? Who is playing what? If you have any cool exercises of shopping sprees (BD '04) could you send them to me? Did y'all find a new restaurant to obsess over or is it still Beto's? Andy, what are you up to? Who have you been working with? I met a couple kids down here in Brazil from Bakersfield, but they didn't drum. Losers. Faires! Howz your band doin', buddy? Pay me!

Have y'all thrown any waterballoons around, or resurrected fetal position? Let's have some stories, eh? DDR parties? Anything. Did y'all have a drum camp? Shawn, who's hott these days? Jakis, did you cut your hair yet? Justin, did you get my drum students? Craig, did the carnie van explode yet? Mort do you still have that massive van? Liz, did you accept the fact that drumline will probably hit on you forever? Brittneaoy, did you lower yourself to foolish drumline traditions like weak death metal, rap, fetal position, hip thrusting, etc.? All y'all others -- Let me know how you are doing! Por favor!

So a bit about the MTC in Brazil. We wake up an hour later than you at 6:30 every morning. We read the Book of Mormon and eat breakfast and then we have class from 8:30AM-9:30PM. Sometimes we get time to play volleyball, basketball, or 4-square. We study about the Book of Mormon, the 4 lessons in Preach My Gospel, and we study português. We had Brazilian roommates and they are crazy! They don't have personal space bubbles -- but they are always super happy. Some of them are engaged when they come to their missions. Crazy.

Every two weeks we go to downtown and talk to people about the Restoration, Book of Mormon, families, and give them pass-along cards. Story time . . . one time, I saw this drum shop and I was like, man I just wanna play. So then I was talking to the drum guys there. We placed two pass-along cards so I rationalized buying some drumsticks to celebrate and then the guy I gave a card to let me play his kit downstairs. It was rad. Right now there are 12 kids in the MTC from LP.

Opinion Time: Who would win:
Anakin Skywalker (with legs) vs. The Hulk?
Wolverine vs. Spiderman?
Yeah, we have some pretty relevant gospel discussions sometimes. . . ;)

This other time an Elder received 15 hideously ugly ties. So we had an ugly tie lottery and now we have ugly tie Thursday. Ask Aislynn for the pictures.

This other time at sacrament meeting, our Brazilian bishopric counselor asked if he could end his talk with a song that he liked. It went like this:
"We are the champions, my friends . . ."
- Remember, this is sacrament meeting -
". . . And we'll keep on fighting to the end. We are the champions. WE are the champions. No time for losers, cause we are the champions, of the world."
I want you to know that I immediately thought of you all. :)
Here's another inspirational thought for the day: "When you fill your life with goodness (or drumming) you don't have room for anything else."

'eta' bom, na? agora eu falarei português. Gaurde fasendo baterias! Vocês sâo ums melhors. Sempre lembe: Revister de baterias e tanto melhor quantos os meninas! O Evangelno tamben e importante.
(it's good, isn't it? Now I will speak Portuguese. Keep doing drums! You all are the best. Always remember: Line of drums is much better than girls! The Gospel is also important!)

I want to testify that we are literally children of God and I know he gave us families to learn and love and have happiness. I know God calls prophets to speak His words to all people who ever live. I know our Savior Jesus Christ loves us so much that He died on the cross and was resurrected and also suffered so we could be saved and live with God again. I know that because God still loves every person today, he called Joseph Smith to be the prophet. I know he saw God and Jesus Christ and organized the church with all of Jesus' Gospel. I know God gave Joseph the Book of Mormon, and that when we read the Book of Mormon, we will be so happy! It is the most special book and the Bible is special, just like the Book of Mormon! I know the Book of Mormon testifies of Jesus Christ and will bring us to God and we will be saved and happy. :)

Write me a letter,
Elder Adams

New Address!
Elder Adams
Missâo Curitiba
Canoa Postal 9501 - Portao
Curitiba - PR - Brazil
CEP 80613 - 991


Anonymous said...

first of all, who the heck wrote that?!! thank you captain dumb dumb.
anyway, if you guys ever want to see any pics of daniel, just tell me and i'll give you some. anything else pertaining to my dear brother let me know. :D

Anonymous said...

so i got an e-mail from daniel today and he said that ya'll should write him a letter because that's what you do when someone sends you one. you reply. daniel would really apprieciate it! :)