
Sunday, November 13, 2005

New Video & Contest!

Hello everyone!

First of all, I would like announce the newest edition to the library of drumline movies...Cabin Fever! You can find this at

Next, there is help needed in deciding the title for the next drumline movie. It is complete and ready to be released, but it lacks a name. The subject is the coffee tub and the spikeman break-in. Post your ideas, and your title could end up in the next installment!



Alex said...

K, the movie is up on the members section. Watch it and suggest a name.


Jake said...

Great video. I added a discussion on it on the forum.

Whatever you name it, Alex, if it has a space it the filename, replace it with and underscore when you upload it. Otherwise you will have to replace the space with %20 when linking to it, which sucks.

Alex said...

Good, both of you watched it. Now quick, post a title. Also, send feedback/improvements/suggestions for the feature film.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is lame. It won't even let you see this jazz.

Jake said...

Well, I'm not exactly sure what the whole story is, so the rest of y'all better come up with a good title. Quickly now...

Anonymous said...

crappy computer won't play the movie, arg. it says it doesn't have the right codex or something


Alex said...

Okay, so the story is that we made coffee in the tub. We also got in trouble for having everyone in our room. That's all. Yacopo, many people have complained about the bad codex thing. Do you have any idea what this is?

Jake said...

Well, I'm not sure what a codex is, but in order to play any video you need the right CODEC (which stands for ecCOder/DECoder or COmpressor/DECompressor) installed.

For example, the drumline DVD videos require the XviD codec. If these videos don't work on your computer (usually there will just be sound and no video) then you need to download the XviD codec. Just google "XVid" to find the download.

As far as the Coffee Tub video goes, it's extension is .mpg, meaning that the codec is likely MPEG1, MPEG2, or MPEG4. Do you remember which one you chose when you exported the video, Alex? My guess is it's an MPEG2 (the same codec used by DVD videos). It's likely that a computer without a DVD drive won't have this codec installed, in which case you can google "MPEG2 codec" to find a download.

For those of you having problems, have you gotten any error messages or anything?

Fluke said...

I must say, that's pretty good. Especially "they are knocking, they are knocking...." You can even see my back in this one, i was off hiding in the bed as soon as i heard ... the knocking. As for a name, idk. Something bitter because it's coffee. Maybe fit suite into it for the hotel name. I guee i'm mostly left-brained

Alex said...

Alright deadbeats, I posted a Lower quality WMV file of Coffee Tub for all of you types that can't see it. Now you have no excuse for not giving titles. Not a single person has came out and just said one. Bah.

Anonymous said...

No no no, it needs something much more majestic. I am thinking maybe a story line could be used for future videos. Lets say, before we went to Alcatraz(spelling?) we would create these vats of carnie juice for the whole world to use, not just the rich people. Once the Serial Police In Karnie Empire (SPIKE) found out they busted us. Then we went to Alcatraz prison where everyone is put in stratjackets (
And then we escaped and needed to find the treasure chest inwhich all Carnie juices were held. After that its up to you but I like it. We could put it in the water of the city like in batman and save the world. I don't know what the carnie juice does. We would need to decide that I guess. Oh, and I decided that Karnie witha 'k' are normal humans with carnie juice running through their veins which makes them more powerful. ok, call it CARNICLE: ESCAPE or CARNICLE 122: REVENGE OF THE SPIKE

Anonymous said...

Uhm, would we say that this movie is just a "teaser" for the actual production? I would say SO!

Anonymous said...

Well if it would work! Everytime we try to bring it up this little key thing pops up and tells us we need a password. Anyone got one?

Anonymous said...

you should have gotten the password e-mailed to you. Ask me what it is next time you see me.

Anonymous said...

Well Liz is the one who signed up. I'll have to rummage through her email I suppose. Oh! By the way, Alex, if you need another video, I have one of you and Craig pillow-fighting. That one would be fun to edit here and there...

Alex said...

Hello. I named the movie finally. I felt that the simple title "Room 220" came across as somewhat erie and fitting to the overall production. Justin, I wish that I could make the movie how you said, but there just isn't enough material. So ya, the update is in the members section, as well as a bucnh of DCI videos that Tom uploaded.

Anonymous said...

Haha! I finally saw them and they made me laugh really hard. Sequels are fun and we like them. In fact, you guys should make up an entire legacy. The Spikeman Dynasty. The Spikeman Ultimatum. Death by Espresso. Spikeman: Unjustified.
I don't know. It would help if those who weren't there knew what is going on...
