
Thursday, November 11, 2004

Darín Exposé -By Alex

Darín: The Mysterious
and Permeating Nature

By Alex Williams

Throughout the ages, many mysterious forces have been discovered and have been somewhat explained. Gravity, Inertia, spam, the list goes on and on. But, one force, above all else, has plagued the sleepless nights of many aspiring philosophers. This force, is Darín.

I have attempted to compile a complete guide to the somewhat meager amount of knowledge that mankind has on the subject. First and foremost, many readers are most likely wondering, what exactly is Darín?

Darín: The history

Among the ancient tribes of the western plains on the North American continent, there was one in particular that was feared, and respected by all other tribes. The Paeklone were a somewhat barbaric tribe, yet oddly civilized. They worshiped heathen gods, and believed in many dark and mysterious rituals. Their talent in war was somewhat suitable, yet they had not been hewn into the rocks of war they had the potential to become.

The Paeklone fought on many years, winning many battles, yet, losing too many. Finally, they sent out one of their leaders, Dan, to seek out a new warlord over the tribe. Dan found a wise man, which had unsurpassed knowledge and experience in the ways of the tribe. No one knew the man’s true name, or his real identity. However, it was brought to attention to name the powerful man: ANDY.

Andy worked for many long weeks teaching them the ways of war. However, one day, Andy said that the young tribe was ready. They were to be taught in the ways of his forefathers. Andy started using this Dark yet Majestic magic on the young boys.

The youth could not fully comprehend or wield the magics that had been brought to their attention. So, they had a meeting one night, and decided to come up with their own way of executing this dark practice. They all agreed to improve on Andy’s methods of magic, and they named the primitive power: Darín.

After the Paeklone were lost from the history books, never to be remembered, Darín was disregarded as a barbaric practice, and was locked away in sacred catacombs that held secrets from ages past. However, one day, a young group of the descendents of the Paeklone, ventured into the long forgotten tombs. The lads unearthed centuries-old relics and scrolls pertaining to the creation and wielding of Darín.

They took the artifacts and studied them for many long years, and started secret combinations of Darínian dark arts. Eventually, after many years of secrecy, they made their existence known unto mankind. They commenced with spreading Darín into all of the alleys, backstreets, and tunnels of the world.

Today, Darín is a widely used, yet widely mistreated power, and there are people, such as myself and the members of my group, that are attempting to right the wrongs that were created so long ago.

The Proper Use of Darín

Some of Darín’s secrets have been unraveled, yet so many more have been lost in the transition from the Paeklonian times. Scholars all across the globe have been baffled and constantly amazed by what Darín is capable of. Yet, with every discovery, come more and more questions.

Darín’s power and blessing have been among mankind for quite sometime, but have not been fully revealed. Darín has been mistreated and abused since the contriving Paeklone. There are 5 basic rules to the proper use and maintenance of Darín. They are:

1. Darín shall never be used when it is not direly needed
2. Darín’s might and majesty must only be discussed with those who are appointed by a leader
3. Students learning to wield Darín are not allowed to use it unless under the direct supervision of a superior.
4. Darín must never be used for evil, or death.
5. Darín is a way of life, not just a power, so live accordingly.

If users of Darín will abide by these, The 5 Guidelines, then Darín will never be mistreated.

The Darín Fetishist Device

Darín, being such a raw and untamed power, can never be used by an unaided human being to its full potential. Scholars and scientists discovered this in the early 1900’s, and started planning construction on the Darín Fetishist Device.

With this invention, wielders of Darín are able to hold much more of the mighty power than unaided. It had enabled such advancements in technology such as the Personal Computer, cars, and toenail clippers.

At the turn of the millennium, a man in Somalia improved on the methods of the Darín Fetishist Device by constructing blueprints for his creation.

He incorporated the innovations of the original device, but he added his own twist on the plans. He named the new contraption the Darín Fetishist Device 2000. It was built with interchangeable parts in mind, so that it could work in correspondence with its predecessor. It blessed the lives of many Darín-wielders-to-be, and it will continue to be a blessing until the next enhancement arrives.

Darín in closing

From the first thought that sprang into the Paeklone, so many centuries ago, to the cultism that corrupted it in the medieval times, to the innovations and cleansing that it has undergone in the Information Age, the changes and improvements made to the Darín way of life have forever changed the way we will look at the cosmos, and life itself.

Darín, the essence of life, is the greatest power the world will ever know. It is subtle yet powerful, late yet punctual, vague yet clear, mysterious yet apparent, and permeating yet contained. It is everything, and nothing at all. Let all back in its warmth, and let Darín be with us, always.

-Alex Williams

1 comment:

Alex said...

I'm surprised only one person as commented on this majesty