
Wednesday, April 25, 2007


Hey guys, great season! Thanks a bunch to everybody for your friendship this year! It hasn't really hit me yet that we're done. I'll probably just gradually deteriorate to a vegatable from the lack of drumline. I'll write up a big farewell post eventually.

I think we need to quickly get a list of memories going here, tour is a dream that fades quickly... Hey! I'd like to see one or two of those pictionary telephone sentence things on here :).

Let me relate a short anecdote: In the thick of tour, Preston came trotting into our room and asked me if he had a protrusion. He displayed the profile of his bare torso and I confirmed that yes, he has a small protrusion. I then mentioned that he probably has some carnie blood in him. "What's a carnie?" he asked. "WHAT'S A CARNIE?!?!?" I fear that we have failed in some way to pass on the unseen nature of our drumline's power, so here ya go Preston, for your curiosity's satisfaction:

DarĂ­n: The Mysterious and Permeating Nature By Alex Williams: (scroll way down)

Boh: The Revolution By Alex Williams: (near the top)

The Chronicles of Carnia by assorted authors: (top)


Anonymous said...

nah, if you're careful you wont deteriorate into a vegetable. . . you'll just disintegrate and/or melt into a puddle of goop. It's imperative to go to a college with a drumline so that doesn't happen.

Lindsay said...

i love synchronized fetal position.

Anonymous said...

I have a tour memory.

We went to Taco Bell, and tried to go through the drive through. Then I think the cops were chasing us, or maybe it was Foy spirits, I don't know.

Alex said...

Good kevin. Good kevin. I like what you are doing here. I like it. It's nice. Rembering old things. Memories.

did that make you uncomfortable? good. very good.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Fluke, now i have a greater understanding of what a protrusion is. Me and ryan both have it and are becoming carnes by the minute.